The One with the Faith


“Oh hey, it’s you! This guy is looking for you. I’m not sure where he is.”

“Oh okay, I said pretty confused as to who this guy was, and how I was supposed to know him when I saw him. I kept walking down the hallway of my college turning the corner of the hallway.

“Oof! I bumped into someone as I turned.

“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t see you there.” A tall guy dressed in a gray t-shirt backed up.

“It’s you! You’re the one with the faith!” he said excitedly.

Before I knew it I was sitting at a table with a group of about 6 students, and the guy I bumped into. We all had our Bibles and we were just sitting in the middle of a huge room at our college, and I was sharing my faith with these people because this guy had told them about me.


And then I woke up.


It was a dream. When I woke up I was reminded that I had to go to work, and that my sister was still in the hospital with pneumonia. Nothing had changed in my life, but those people in my dream felt so real that I could swear I was just there sitting with them.

“It’s you. The one with the faith.”

I had this dream 4 nights ago now, but I can’t shake these words. It feels like that is both a high calling, to be the one with faith, and a glimpse into the future of what a sold out life for God might look like. I had this dream on one of my lowest nights as far as faith is concerned. I just was not feeling all of the gooey Christian love. Life was sucking at that present moment, yet this guy was actively searching for me because I was “the one with the faith.” Wow.

I think something that makes this dream so amazing to me is the fact that this guy wasn’t looking for “that incredible Christian” or “that perfect girl” or even the “church girl.” He was looking for “the one with the faith.” Faith has NOTHING to do with a perfect life. Your life could be a mess but you could have the strongest faith of anyone you know, and I think it was such a beautiful reminder from God that people are just looking for the one with the faith. There is no need to worry about how Christian you seem, or how many sunset pictures with Bible verses you post. (ha ha guilty!) That doesn’t sell people on Christianity because that’s not what life is like. Life is messy. Life is going to sleep on a wet pillow sometimes. That’s when God gets glory, when all people see is the faith, not the holier-than-though Christian persona that we like to strap on so that we don’t have to talk about what we’re going through.

But then I kept thinking about what that dream might mean. It just struck me as odd because I don’t have dreams often, and if I do, I don’t remember them that vividly. So I broke it down. This guy was looking for “the one with the faith.” He didn’t tell that person who stopped me that he was looking for Rachel. My name was no where in this dream, my faith was. How humbling. God isn’t the least bit concerned with me getting glory for my faith because frankly my faith comes from God anyway so I have no right to get glory.

The next thing that stood out to me was how excited this guy was to hear about my faith. He was jumping in with both feet into my story and the faith that I had. It was amazing reminder to look for that in a guy, someone who is leading the charge for his faith. Someones whose excitement about God is contagious and makes me want to be right there with him, and someone who encourages me in my faith. It was also reminder to be that person that is actively searching out those with faith so that I can just sit in their presence and listen to their story.

Lastly, it was a reminder to be BOLD. To sit in the middle of a college campus and talk about JESUS! To have a faith that is so big and so on fire that word gets around! My best friend always picks a word for her year, and I just recently decided mine was bold because God is the sole purpose of my life, and He is so real and so good to me! There are times when I can’t even believe how incredible is, and it breaks my heart that some people just haven’t seen that or that they have a Christian feeling not faith. But recently God has laid on my heart that it is my job to SHOUT His goodness. He has given me no right to worry about what others will say because the very breath in my lungs is a gift from Him. Trust me, in a season of pneumonia, you release how much of a gift breath really is.

So what does it take to be the “one with the faith?”

Messy, wet-pillow, trust in God.

Humbly giving God the glory.



And a whole lotta time with God!



the one with the faith



Published by missionforfaith

This blog started as kind of a scrapbook of the things I was going through during high school, but now it has turned into a diary of the things that God is teaching me.

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